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Coronation Blessings

Blessing over King Charles III for his coronation

Your Majesty, 

The church is praying for you at this significant transitional time in your life, and as we bless you, may the hand of God be upon you.

A blessing is like giving someone a good gift.  It empowers people to succeed and opens up new pathways and opportunities.

The Blessing

Charles the Third, we bless you, by the Grace of God, as you become King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and of your other Realms and Territories King, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith.

King Charles III, on your Coronation Day we bless you with the continuous favour of God to help and inspire your leadership. We bless you with the awareness of God’s peace, prosperity and Kingship as you take your place upon your Royal Throne and the Stone of Scone.

We bless you as you honour God and your Godly inheritance, and may the legacy of her majesty Queen Elizabeth II be ongoing through the generations. 

As you are anointed, may the Spirit of the sovereign Lord rest upon you —

    the Spirit of wisdom and of understanding,

    the Spirit of counsel and might,

    the Spirit of the knowledge and of the fear of the Lord. 

And may you delight in the Fear of the Lord  *1

In your Kingly role as Father to the Nations, we bless you as you bring your Heavenly Father’s hope, peace and stability in times of trouble. 

We bless you as you uphold God’s righteousness and justice in the nations *2.

We bless you with divine wisdom as Head of the Church of England and Defender of The Faith. As your name Charles means ‘Free Man’, we bless you as you foster Christ’s freedom within your realms of influence.

We bless your hearts desire to see a restored earth, and we bless you with God’s restorative solutions.

We bless you with God’s heart of love, compassion and kindness, and we bless you with continual good health. 

Your Majesty, 

“The Lord bless you and keep you; The Lord make His face shine upon you,

And be gracious to you; The Lord lift up His countenance upon you, And give you peace .” *3



  1. Isaiah 11: 2-3

  2. Psalm 89:14

  3. Numbers 6: 24-26

Blessing from the Church over the King

Dear believer in Christ,

We invite you to join together in unity as The Church of Jesus Christ, to declare these blessings over King Charles III at this significant transitional time. 

A blessing is like giving someone a good gift.  It empowers people to succeed and opens up new pathways and opportunities. It releases the favour of God as His will is released from heaven. 

These blessings were written out of listening to the Holy Spirit and his desires.

Father God, we ask in the name of Jesus, our Lord and Saviour, that your right hand of blessing would be upon King Charles III, bringing impartation as these words are declared.


Charles the Third, we bless you, by the Grace of God, as you become King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and of your other Realms and Territories King, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith.

King Charles III, on your Coronation Day we bless you with the continuous favour of God to help and inspire your leadership. 

We bless you with the awareness of God’s peace, prosperity and Kingship as you take your place upon your Royal Throne and the Stone of Scone.

We bless you as you honour God and your Godly inheritance, and may the legacy of her majesty Queen Elizabeth II be ongoing through the generations. 

We bless you as you live your life fully dependent on Father God as your rock.

As you are anointed, may the Spirit of the sovereign Lord rest upon you —

    the Spirit of wisdom and of understanding,

    the Spirit of counsel and might,

    the Spirit of the knowledge and of the fear of the Lord. 

And may you delight in the Fear of the Lord  *1

In your Kingly role as Father to the Nations, we bless you as you bring your Heavenly Fathers hope, peace and stability in times of trouble. 

We bless you with heaven’s perspective as you ignite fresh hope and expectancy for the future of our nation and territories in your care.

We bless you as you uphold God’s righteousness and justice in the nations *2.

We bless you as you walk in Godly authority as you are the head and not the tail. *3

We bless your divinely appointed friendships with the nations of the world .

We bless you as you live in Godly opportunities, and may your days and time be fruitful.

We bless you with divine wisdom as Head of the Church of England and Defender of The Faith. As your name Charles means ‘Free Man’, we bless you as you foster Christ’s freedom within your realms of influence.

We bless your hearts desire to see a restored earth, and we bless you with God’s restorative solutions.

We bless you with encounters with your King, Almighty God.

We bless you as you receive the revelations of God held back for such a time as this, and we bless your vision as it becomes aligned with the plans of Father God.

We bless you as you are in perfect balance and alignment with The Trinity for your role as king.

We bless you as you continue to step into everything God has created you to be.

We bless you as you fully trust Father God in new and deepening ways.

We bless you as you taste and see the goodness of God.

We bless you as you daily experience the joy of the Lord as your strength,in all circumstances.

We bless you as you receive honour, support and encouragement from within your family, The Royal Household, advisors and governments, and all people within your kingly rule.

We bless you with God’s heart of love, compassion and kindness, and we bless you with continual good health. 

Your Majesty, 

“The Lord bless you and keep you; The Lord make His face shine upon you,

And be gracious to you; The Lord lift up His countenance upon you, And give you peace .” *4



  1. Isaiah 11: 2-3

  2. Psalm 89:14

  3. Deuteronomy 28:12-13.

  4. Numbers 6: 24-26

Blessing over the United Kingdom

Hear, O United Kingdom,  The Lord our God, the Lord is one. We bless you to love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might and your neighbour as you love yourself. . 

United Kingdom, we bless you to take your rightful place in the family of nations of the world being who God created you to be.  We bless you with your rightful inheritance of sonship as a nation.  We bless you with  stability and peace.

 We bless your physical soil to be rich and fertile. We bless the technological and scientific innovations being developed at the moment to bring breakthrough as Father intends them to, bringing global breakthroughs. We bless accelerated restoration measures to mend the physical damage caused by climate change to this nation.

We bless King Charles, the Royal Family and the Prime Minister to serve with God’s  love, humility and grace. We bless them to rise up in their authority as kings and priests to govern the country with righteousness, justice and integrity.

Governments of England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland,  we bless you to govern with the unconditional  love of Father God with kindness at the centre, having the highest good of every man, woman and child in your heart being inclusive of all whatever race, gender or religion.  We bless you with good governance doing what is right and just in the eyes of God. We bless you to govern in the wisdom, abundance and generosity of God. We bless you to Father the nation. We bless you to serve the people with humility, honour, transparency and joy. We bless you to build on the inheritance which Jesus won on the cross for you. 

United Kingdom we bless the economy to thrive in-line with Godly wisdom to enhance peace and prosperity.

We bless the hospitals and health care organisations with grace and humility, love and kindness.

 United Kingdom we bless your families, businesses and schools to thrive.  We bless all authorities and emergency services to respond with dignity and honour, courage and boldness.

United Kingdom we declare no weapon or assignment of the enemy will prosper in order to shake you out of Father’s timing. We declare Father’s order and timing will prevail.

We bless you to enter into the fullness of God’s love, to experience His presence,to walk in His healing glory into breakthroughs, restoration and advancements that once looked impossible. May England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland be  totally immersed in God’s Kingdom purposes,  bringing transformation impacting the entire world.

We bless our neighbour nations with peace, harmony and unity with us and each other.  

United Kingdom we bless the land with productivity and fruitfulness. We bless the airspace with pure air and peace. We bless the sea space to be fruitful and be part of the global eco-system that benefits mankind and the planet.

United Kingdom we bless everyone in the nation with knowing their God given identity and purpose on the earth and thriving in it. We bless them with the hope only found in God. We bless them to have an intimate relationship with Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit. 

United Kingdom we bless the Body of Christ to arise as huios sons of God and take it’s rightful place in the world being the head and not the tail. We bless the apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers to come forth through the generations in government, business, education, the church and in all forms of leadership.  We bless them to work in harmony and recognition of each other’s gifting to serve the common good of the people in their sphere of influence. 

United Kingdom,  the Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you. The Lord lift up his countenance on you and give you peace.

In the name of Jesus Amen

© Resurgence Global 2023

Authorship: Sarah Alexander, Rod Billitt, Rob Parry, Joyce Jones, Samanda and Shani Fernando, Caroline Anderson

Resurgence Global is a group of Christians in the UK who have concerns for the world (people and the planet) and look to the Bible for principles for problem solving. One of these principles they believe is the power of blessing.  Blessing brings change and releases the goodness and purposes of God into situations. Receiving a blessing is like receiving a much desired gift

The group have written a generic blessing for nations and customise it as appropriate. 

Dictionary definition of blessing: God's favour and protection; a prayer asking for divine favour and protection; a beneficial thing for which one is grateful; a person's sanction or support.

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